- Game Series: Middle Earth
- Platform: PC
- Status: 100% Completion (Everything Unlocked)
- Story (Main Missions): Done
- Side Quests: All Completed
- Level & Skills: Level 80 and All Skills Unlocked
- Armors, Weapons & Gear: All Unlocked Including Legendary Items
- Map: Fully Explored
- DLC: All Completed

For installation, extract the save file to Middle Earth Shadow of War save game location:
- CODEX: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\356190\remote
- Steam: <Steam-folder>\userdata\<user-id>\356190\remote
- Microsoft Store: %LocalAppData%\Packages6DA520A3.1673586F56C6C_ykvmsk3s73586\SystemAppData\wgs\<user-id>
- Other Windows PC Locations: %LocalAppData%\WB Games\Shadow of War
- Linux (Proton): <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/356190/pfx
====>(Don’t Forget to Backup your Files)<====
not first
Please provide mission wise or act wise save games for definitive edition
link fallen
How do I even implement this at Steam? It doesn't work for me. I need assitance.